subject and predicate(part 1) 22.4.2020

22   APRIL 2020

Welcome back boys!πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦

Today we'll be starting a new concept in Grammar , Subject and Predicate.

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to

  • identify the two parts of a sentence, the subject and the predicate.
  • understand how the subject and  the predicate relate to each other.

Let's begin!

 A  sentence  is a group of words  with a  verb  included. 

Every sentence contains two parts  a subject and a  predicate.

What is a subject?

subject is the person or thing that is doing an action, or the person or thing that is the focus of the sentence. Most of the time the subject comes at the beginning of a sentence, in which case it is very easy to identify. Take the example below:
  • Mary likes to run in the park.
In this case, the person who is doing the action ( running) is Mary. Mary is the subject. 
NOTE!   To find the subject, you must first find the verb. 

What is a predicate?
The predicate of a  sentence says something about the subject. Take the  example below:
  • Mary likes to run in the park.
The question you can ask yourself here is, “What does Mary do”? The answer, likes to run in the park.    So,    likes to run in the park is the predicate. 

Notice that the predicate includes the verb in the sentence (likes) and all the rest of the words that describes what she likes.

The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about while the predicate tells something about the subject.

Take a look at the sentences-

1.My sister is a good dancer.

   Subject: My sister
   Predicate: is a good dancer.

2.Rohan and Sanjana are playing in the park.

Subject: Rohan and Sanjana
   Predicate: are playing in the park.

3. The Indian Cricket Team won the 2011 Cricket World Cup.

    Subject: The Indian Cricket Team
    Predicate: won the 2011 Cricket World Cup.

4.  The lazy old man walks very slowly

      Subject: The lazy old man

      Predicate: walks very slowly.

5. You should complete your homework.

     Subject: You
     Predicate: should complete your homework.


1)  The Subject in a command sentence:-

Most command sentences begin with a verb, and the “you” is understood. So basically, any sentence that begins with a verb is a command:
for example:- Wash your hands.
In this sentence, the subject is not stated.   It is understood. ( implied / hidden)
This sentence actually means,   You wash your hands.
The subject ,  you  ,  is understood.

Take a look at the following  sentences:-

1. Do not speak ill of anyone.

     subjectyou {the subject  , you,  is understood/ implied }
     predicate: Do not speak ill of anyone.

2. Close the windows.

        subject    you    (  the subject , you , is implied/  hidden )

         predicate  Close the windows. 

** In all command sentences, the subject  is you, which is understood / implied / hidden  and not stated.**


2) The subject is not always  at the beginning of a sentence. 

Take a look at the following sentences:-

a)  Against the wall stood a long ladder.

    subject       a long ladder.
    predicate   stood against the wall .

b)   Beneath the reef the young girl swam.

     subject          the young girl
     predicate      swam beneath the reef.

c)   Where are you going?

      subject       you

      predicate     where   are going

Let's watch a video for better understanding:-

Hope the concept of subject and predicate is understood.  Do post your queries  if you have any.    Time for some homework 😊

 Do page nos.13 and 14  Qno.  C of your grammar book. I'll post the answers in the next blog!
 Happy learning !!


  1. Good Morning Ma'am
    Zion Peter

  2. Good Morning Madam
    Agastya Chetwani Class 4B
    Roll No 13

  3. Good Morning Mam
    Dhairya Jain 4-B
    Roll number-26

  4. Good morning ma'am Rudra Pratap Singh 4 B

  5. Good Morning Ma'am
    Tanmay Singh 4th-B

  6. Good morning ma'am, lohitaksh from Class 4B

  7. Good morning maam,daksh dhingra,4B,roll no 17

  8. Good morning mam
    Ronit Bhatia
    4 B
    Roll no 8

  9. Good Morning mam SAMRAT RANA 4B

  10. Good morning ma'am.
    Denis Joseph 4B

  11. Good Morning Mam',Chinmuanlal Guite 4B

  12. Good morning ma'am
    Kunal Chaudhary
    4b,roll no 10

  13. Good morning I am Karol Joseph of 4B

  14. Good Morning Ma'am
    Aaradhya Samaddar

  15. Good morning ma'am Aayush Gupta 4 th b roll no 21

  16. Good morning Ma’am. Zacariah Pinto4B.

  17. Good morning mam
    I am Atiksh Bhardwaj
    Class 4 B

  18. Good morning, Ma'am.
    Riyansh Guglani, 4-B

  19. Goodmorning Mam, kevin Sony ,4-B

  20. Good morning ma'am
    Rahangao Lemuel 4B

  21. Good morning ma’am Kush Bhutani 4B

  22. Good morning maam
    Jasmeet singh tandon
    4 b

  23. Good morning Ma'am Aahan Iven Kujur here 4B

  24. Good morning ma'am
    Mohd. Talha

  25. Good morning ma’am Aarnav singh

  26. Good morning mam I am shourya mishra4B

  27. Good morning ma'am Parth chawaria 4-B


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